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Virgo forecast for Sunday May 05, 2024

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Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: If we had answers to every question, and could sort out all our issues and solve all our mysteries, what kind of world would we be living in? Where would adventures and fun come from? Being certain, all the time, would be dull! Unless, of course, we're talking about our individual concerns. But we gain great satisfaction from helping others through their uncertainties and quandaries. Your personal emotional confusion might be uncomfortable. Yet it's potentially highly beneficial. It leads to a delightful relationship connection.

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May 04, 2024

Your Weekly Horoscope: We don't tend to deliberately behave badly towards other people. It's much more likely that we're unaware that our actions are being negatively perceived. But, when we're on the end of poor behaviour, it's hard to imagine it's unconscious. We expect people to understand why we don't like what they're doing, and how they're treating us wrong. Meanwhile, they're oblivious to the fact that we're unhappy. This New Moon week is about clear communication. Good. You're excellent at it. You can turn an unhappy situation around.

May 03, 2024

Courage, open-heartedness, and generosity are so much more valuable than closed-mindedness and selfishness. But you know this. You're also aware that being vulnerable is a gift. But when you feel insecure, it's hard to remember this. You're feeling uncertain about an issue you thought you'd sorted. But rather than seeing it as a reason for doubt, relish this as an opportunity for more investigation. The weekend brings a chance to secure greater success than you thought possible. Then, you can leave your doubt behind.

May 02, 2024

Pick up a pencil. Dust off your dancing shoes. Sing along to your favourite song. It's time to get creative. Remember that project you put on the backburner? This is the moment to action it. With Pluto, the planet of mystery turning retrograde, you need to give yourself the time and space to allow an almost forgotten idea to return. By making the effort to re-energise a past passion you'll encourage a change of attitude. When you believe something's possible, guess what? You take steps towards achieving it. What's stopping you?

May 01, 2024

You're viewing things from a different perspective. From your new vantage point, you're finding answers to questions you didn't realise needed asking. Since some of these discoveries are unsettling, you're experiencing a curious mix of frustration and elation. It's discombobulating. But it's OK. The process might be intense, but it's necessary... and good. You're moving, at speed, on a journey towards a new stage of your life. If you stay open-minded, and are prepared to be surprised, a breakthrough is possible.

April 30, 2024

Who should you ask for advice? Definitely don't ask anyone involved in politics! They'll tell you whatever they think will make you give them your support. And that's on a good day. On a bad one, they'll tell you what they think you should do (without any regard for your actual circumstances). Yet don't we all act a bit like politicians? There are times when we're a bit too sure of our views (without the info to back them up). Today, it will be easy to find people with relevant experience, who care about you. That's advice you can trust.

April 29, 2024

When you're embarking on something challenging, humming the Mission Impossible tune can be helpful. I caught myself whistling it the other day. I mention it, because it's possible that you're facing a real impossibility. You're under pressure to meet someone else's needs, and it's putting you in an unfeasible situation. No wonder you don't feel like humming or whistling! Yet if you can summon up a bit of positivity, you'll find you're less stuck than you think. Start by being kind to yourself. The possibilities will start to appear.